woensdag 31 maart 2010

The French vs. Indian Wars courage ( The Last of the Mohicans)

I need to mention that four years ago, I had already watched the movie on TV. My comments on this movie are related to what I have read in the literature. The good characters of the film are truly good. I see that the morality and the nobility are highly exalted. Unfortunately, the author (James Fenimore Cooper) of this book had not understood in my opinion that in this world most people dislike war. There is so many pain and difficulty ongoing which are not yet solved. Reading this book, the author describes romantic passion which could solve the problems at least temporary ,which I don’t agree with. I agree with the following saying of my grandfather. “Every season has its time, you can’t force a season to hurry up.” In my understanding there is a purpose for all manners that occur in its time.

Another saying of my aunt was “when the time of working arrives, don’t run away, otherwise you will not earn your wage.” I also agree with her. In other words, don’t be lazy and work hard, even though hardships are frustrating. Seeing the movie “The Last of Mohicans” makes me understand that whatever you sow is what you reap. Almost everything people put their effort into it will succeed. The French vs. Indian Wars ended with term of conditions, that British will no longer have to fight the French. In a war there are always people killed and people persecuted. Also you have people who are brave and fight through difficult moments. However, I already saw the movie and I’m waiting to read what happens when a major of the British army escorts the two daughters of Colonel Munro to the fort where the Colonel stays.


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